A 3-Day Point Accumulation Championship
Overall Games Champions will receive:
1st: $300, 7 Comemorative WJF Beanbags, and a medal
2nd: $150 and 7 Comemorative WJF Beanbags
3rd: $50 and 7 Comemorative WJF Beanbags
Day 1 - June 26
• 3 Club Every throw under the leg endurance - Points 3,2,1
• 3 Ball Overhead Crunch endurance Points 3,2,1
• 3 Ball Leg Lifts
• 5 Balls while in a squat Points 3,2,1
• 3 Ball Squat Jumps
• 6 Ball Endurance Points 3,2,1
• 3 ball ON COMMAND Points 3,2,1
• 5 Ball ON COMMAND MOVES Points 3,2,1
Day 2 - June 27
• 7 Hard Ball Endurance
Try to juggle these specific 7 balls that, when combined, are hard to juggle
- Points: 50+Catches: 3 points, 30+ Catches: 2 Points 21+ Catches: 1 point
(Additional Cash Prize for runs over 50 - $1 per catch)
• 7 ball endurance Points 3,2,1
Vision Glow Club Challenges
• 3 Club Throw to head balance kick back - Points 3,2,1
• 4 Club Throw to head balance kick back - Points 5,4,3
• 5 Club with a balance endurance - Points 3,2,1
DAY 3 - June 28
• 30-Second 3 Vision Glow Club Crotch Routine - Points 5,4,3
• 97531 Perfection Points 3,2,1
(Demonstrate perfect representation of each number (avoid the “3” becoming a “1”)
• DB97531 Perfection Points 3,2,1
(Demonstrate perfect representation of each number (avoid the “3” becoming a “1”)
• The Sayers Special
5 Vision Glow Club 6x4 Transition to backcrosses in doubles (Example below)
Qualify 5 Club 6x,4 for 16 catches then transition into 20 backcrosses in doubles. For an extra 2 points, transition out of backcrosses back into 6x,4 for a qualify and then end clean
Best execution wins
Base Points 5,4,3
With additional transition back to 6x,4 for 16 catches points will be 7,6,5
• 5 Club 5 up 360s (1 minute - all competitors at same time) Points 5,4,3
• 5 Club 5 up Backcross 360 (post qualify required) Points 5,4,3
• 5 Club Endurance…1 minute, then simultaneous trick challenge - group tries specific tricks at the same time when instructed as shown below. Points 5,4,3
3 up 360
97522 360
5 up 360
More moves may be added…

The Sayer's Special
Donations may be issued through the following organizations:
Fidelity Charitable
Tides Foundation
National Philanthropic Trust
Giving through Zelle is allows the World Juggling Federation to maximize the use of your donation without incurring any fees. Most banks offer Zelle as an instant payment method. If you are set up to use Zelle, all you need is our payment email address: PAYMENTS@THEWJF.COM